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Whoa, I loved the art, the song, the concept, the game play, the light effects, well, it's been my favourite choice so far. A big congrats to such achievement!

I'm not sure if it's only on my machine, but it's quite heavy and crashed once, and another time it started flickering.

I have to play it more to reach the end, but for now I'm quite satisfied. I love stealth-rich games.

Keep up the good work!

Hey, thank you for your great comment ! 
Did you play it in the HTML version or the Windows version ? If it's on the windows version we hope that the dynamic lightning aren't too heavy for less powerful computer, as we both have a good machine. 


I used browser. I tried again later on (I wanted to show it to my son) and that time it worked without any issue. I assume my machine was overloaded when it crashed. My laptop is actually not a good one, fyi.