A game developer must fight against its own demons… Bugs, lack of ideas and … Himself ? Find a way throughout the maze of this puzzle game.

F: Interract | Space: Shot (If you have a weapon) | WASD/Arrow/ZSQD : Move

This game was made in 48 hours for the Ludum Dare 48 in solo (Compo)


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Neat! I can't find the LD page, is there one?

The mood was pretty good and the levels were really neat. The only thing we would point out is that the height of the character and the wall graphics make it a little hard to tell where you can walk and where your hitbox is sometimes. You can also "cheat" by hugging some of the walls.

Good job, especially considering the time constraints!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks you for you nice comment <3 

Yeah i got some issue with my level design (and so boxes collider for rocket).

But nvm i let easy way so you can avoid to be stuck if you can't manage the normal way.

You can find the LD page here: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/48/gamedev-lifes

how about you while making this game

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm still making some nightmares...